Wbcs Book List pdf 2024 | Best Books for Wbcs Exam 2024
WBCS Book List 2024 | Best Books for Wbcs Exam 2024
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Wbcs Book List |
There are several books available in the market for different topics of WBCS exam. Some books are written for specific subjects and on the other hand some books are also written with focus on WBCS exam. Books are written according to WBCS Syllabus and WBCS Previous Year Question. Some books are very popular among WBCS candidates. Almost all successful candidates refer to this book. Here is the discussion about Best WBCS Book List-
There are total 8 subjects in WBCS Preliminary Exam 2024. There are several books available in the market for almost all subjects. Separate books for Bangla medium and English medium candidates are also available in the market. Successful candidates advise new aspirants to follow one book for basic knowledge and one exam oriented book for each subject as preparation advice. Books for each subject are discussed below –
wbcs book list pdf 2024
1) English book for Wbcs exam
Which English book is best for WBCS?
English to WBCS exam consists of 25 (MCQ) questions in Prelims and a Descriptive paper of 200 marks in Mains. For basic knowledge of English i.e. Grammar and English language learning High Secondary English Grammar book or PK Dey Sarkar's Grammar book can be read. The book is written in very simple language for Bengali medium students. Besides, it is important to read books written on the basis of the exam. Some important books are mentioned below.
(i) A Text-Book of Higher English Grammar by PK Dey Sarkar In the book all the subjects are written in simple Bengali language in detail, so the book is suitable for the candidates of Bengali medium. WBCS Executive Officer Gargi Das recommends reading this book. He also feels that the book will help candidates in the mains exam. (Buy Now)
(iii) Wren & Martin High School English Grammar And Composition Book This book is good for English medium students as the book is written entirely in English. ((Buy Now)
(iv) Word Power Made Easy According to WBCS officer, this book is the best book for English vocabulary. In the book, how English words are made, where they originate from are written in a very simple way. More than 1000 English words are given in the book. According to the examinees most of the Vocabulary questions are asked from this book in WBCS exam. (Buy Now)
2) History Book for Wbcs exam
History subject is the most important subject in WBCS exam. There are total 150 questions in preliminary and main exam. Many books on ancient, medieval and modern history are available in the market. As suggested by WBCS officers Abhirup Bhattacharya and Gargi Das the books which are important for this exam are discussed –
(ii) Ancient and Medieval India by Poonam Dalal Dahiya book is very good for ancient and medieval history. The book is written in English. A total of 16 chapters deal with the ancient and medieval history of India. Not only this, there are exercises with important questions at the end of each chapter to facilitate preparation. (Buy Now)
(iii) A Brief History of Modern India (2019-2020 Edition) by Spectrum Books is a very good book for modern history. The Indian Freedom Struggle is detailed in simple English, which will help the candidates to answer questions 25 marks of Prelims and 50 marks of Mains.(Buy Now)
(iii) Officer Abhirup Bhattacharya thinks the book Indian History by Krishna Reddy is very important for mains exam. According to him, reading the book is mandatory. Although the book is written in a bit stiff English, the book is unmatched for a better understanding of Indian history.(Buy Now)
3) Geography Book for Wbcs exam
Geography is a subject for which basic knowledge is very important. Exam questions are mostly based on geography of West Bengal so it is important to read books on geography of West Bengal in the preparation of the subject. So you have to look for books accordingly. Geography books can be read from 6th to 10th class for basic subjects. NCERT books published by Central Education Department can also be read. Now let me tell you which book in the market will be good for WBCS exam.
(i) Geography of India and West Bengal by Kartik Chandra Mondal is the best book for Bengali medium students to prepare for WBCS exam. The book has separate chapters on the geography of India and West Bengal, and also provides previous year questions for WBCS Prelims and Mains exams. (Buy Now)
(ii) Geography of India by Majid Husain should be read if one wants to prepare well in Geography. The book is divided into 17 chapters. A new compilation should be purchased every year because the geography information changes every year. (Buy Now)
4) Polity Book for Wbcs exam
Political science is the most important subject after history in WBCS exam. Political Science is a tough subject for science students, but preparation from the right books can be mastered.
(i) Indian Polity – by M. Laxmikant All WBCS successful candidates are advised to read this book. The book is written in a difficult language but the importance of the book is immense for success. Not only WBCS candidates but also IAS candidates read the book. (Buy Now)
(ii) Governance and Politics of India by Anadikumar Mohapatra is a good book for Bengali medium students. All the topics are written in detail in the book. Nowadays exam questions come on different cases, so the book has discussion and questions on different cases. (Buy Now)
best books for wbcs in english version
5) Economics Book for Wbcs exam
Most candidates do not study this subject until high school, so the subject is new to many. So the basics need to be read. Higher Secondary Political Science book can be read for basic subjects. Reading NCERT books will also be good. Besides, many questions come from current affairs.
(i) INDIAN ECONOMY by ramesh singh book is very good book for WBCS exam preparation. The book can be purchased as a reference book. (Buy Now)
ncert books for wbcs exam
6) Science Book for Wbcs exam
Which science book is best for WBCS?
Candidates in WBCS exam get lowest marks in this subject. Science books of class 9th and 10th must be read for this subject. Reading NCERT books is good.
(i) Encyclopedia General Science book is considered by successful candidates to be very good book for WBCS exam. There are 20 chapters in Physics, 17 in Chemistry, 18 in Biology, 1 chapter in Environment and 6 chapters in Computer & IT. If you buy the book, you don't need to buy separate books for Environment and Science & Technology. (Buy Now)
(ii) Lucent General Science book is also very good book for question practice. The book has lots of MCQ questions which are very useful in WBCS exam preparation. (Buy Now)
best book list for wbcs exam 2023
7) Math Book for Wbcs exam
Those who are a little weak in numbers are better off reading books on numbers for classes VIII, IX, and X. Reading exam oriented books is very beneficial if you read the basic subject well. In addition to good knowledge in this subject, solving fast is also very important, so below are the books you need to solve fast.
(i) Quantitative Aptitude by R S Aggarwal Many may have heard the name of the book because the book is very popular among the candidates. Just read this book no need to read any other book for Reasoning. (Buy Now)
(ii) Quicker Maths by M.Tyra book gives easy and quick maths solving techniques, through which very large numbers can be solved very quickly. Each chapter like – average, simple interest, compound interest, simple etc. rules are given to solve in easy way. It is very important to know the basic rules of arithmetic before reading the book otherwise it may be difficult to understand the book. (Buy Now)
8) Current Affairs Book for wbcs exam
There is no specific syllabus (WBCS Syllabus) of the subject, but the exam question paper shows that the questions come from the current affairs of last one and a half years. Many weekly and monthly magazines are brought out in the market for the subject. Some of the popular magazines among them are discussed below –
(i) Achievers Magazine is the most popular magazine among the examinees. Monthly and annual editions of the magazine are available in the market.(Click here)
(ii) Yojana magazine covers various government project activities which are very important for current affairs.(Click here)
9) WBCS Practice Set book
(i) WBCS General Studies Manual If a candidate wants to buy question and answer book of all subjects for wbcs preparation then this book can be purchased. The book is good for preliminary exam preparation.
WBCS General Studies Manual 2023 (Bengali|(Buy Now)
WBCS General Studies Manual 2023 (English |(Buy Now)
(ii) Crack WBCS Book The book is very popular in the market.
(Buy Now)